Hi, My English lovers have information, this information may already exist and also knows there are blum tau. Those who do not know if you really like the English why do not you join KangGURU Indonesia (KGI) is the name of his prior KangGURU Radio English (KGRE) By subscribing here you will be given in English language education magazine free.And lots of other info going shobat can,
How to Join:
Write the words -said know you want a magazine subscription to a kangaroo, he wrote to be in English, do not forget to write your full name and your full address. because the magazine going to be sent directly to your address.
After you finish creating the letter send to:
E-mali: Kangguru@ialf.edu
SMS: +628123870479
2 komentar
Click here for komentarsemua tulisan harus dalam bentuk bahasa inggris kah?
Replyhmm... saya dulu sempet ngirim waktu sma tapi belum dapat, dan sekarang saya pindah ke surabaya untuk lanjut skul.
apakah masih ada langganan buat saya.
saya ingin berlangganan lagi untuk sekolah sdn manukan kulon III/540 Surabaya yang sekarang saya tempati kerja. terima kasih .
nice gan
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