A new way to make Live Chat to blogspot, not the Chat Box

Carasatu.com-Welcome to my Web site which is very simple, in this Carasatu.com website we will discuss about everything concerning the science of the internet, and here we also provide Site download: games, Website templates, Blogger Templates, Wordpress Templates, Widgets.
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My post this time will discuss how to create a Chat Tool which is used for Chatting with friends and companions, all bloggers must have been best friends ever see the Chat Tool is on Facebook as well as in Gmail or Ymail, certainly very useful for communicating directly to the admin user of the bloggers who visit us!!
I'm sure between all of the companions also often find articles that discuss the same tutorial, however I happen to not share the tutorial to make the Chat Tool on Blogger or often called Live Chat then will I share for companions all of them.
the following examples display the PAL can see below:

  1. The first way you register at envolve.com
  2. Verify the account after that envolve the account emailmu
  3. Then go to my sites-add new sites. Keep in mind as you enter the url blogmu on add new site we suggest you're not open an account bloggermu, or logout bloggermu account first. Since that time when I was add new site along with the error occurs instead of blogger accounts.
  4. After the success of adding your blog url will envolve, is told to choose your blog platforms like wordpress, joomla, tumblr. Because there is no platorm bloggers there you can select the other.
  5. After that copy its code.
  6. Then sign in to your blogger account
  7. Edit html template-login-check expand widget templates
  8. Search <head> code, use ctrl + f to search
  9. After that pastekan code <head> code above that envolve in html tempate ye
  10. Finish..!!

Maybe it's just that I can pass on, hopefully this article can be useful for all Bloggers and friends make new references for all of us.

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Good luck may be useful, if you succeed I get happy, the fight mate, don't be afraid to be dropped, because a fall does not mean we cannot rise again.

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