read my previous article, if you do you already have, please observe the following:
If you sign up for AdSense through the host partner and want to display ads on non-partner website hosted on your own, you must provide the URL of the site you want to monetize it to us. This is done through a one-time application form. Here is how:
Sign in to your AdSense account.
Click the gear icon and select Settings.
On the sidebar, click Access and authorization.
In the "Show ads on other web sites", enter the URL of the site where the ad is displayed.
Click Submit.
Finally, you must implement the AdSense ad code in the URL you gave above, on pages receiving traffic.
To implement the AdSense ad code, you must first create the ad code. You can learn how to implement the code on a web site hosted by a non-partner following the application of the code guidelines. Note that the ad unit will remain vacant until your request is approved.
Once your request is approved, please put your ad code on any other web site which you have without further approval. If your application is not approved, do not worry because of ad serving on your host partner sites will not be affected. You can continue to monetize content hosted as usual.
Thank you for reading my article
may be useful, good luck, if you succeed do not forget to pray for me :)
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