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Funny Story-War United Vs Indonesia-Reasons Why The Americans Did Not Dare To Fight With Indonesia
In fact, Indonesia wants Iraq abis so the next target.
But the Pentagon envisions if the U.S. was forced to invade Indonesia, how should losses on U.S. and how parties pikul advantages the presence of Indonesia u.s. troops there.

So entering the waters of Indonesia, they will land on the Customs side as hadang brought in firearms and sharp weapons and war equipment without a licence from the Government of Indonesia. This means they must provide "money peace", trying to calculate how much the amount if bawaanya so much.

Then they set up a military Base camp, can guess around base camp will definitely be surrounded a Meatball, coconut Ice, Builders and sellers of pirated VCDS to sale, Cel-Dam Rp. 10,000 3 Pcs. not to mention entrepreneurs will join the puter comedy hung around base camp as well.

Then the combat vehicles and armored tanks in the parking lot near the base camp will be put on the parking levy by officials from the Office of regional perpakiran. If the first two hours perkendaraan subject to Rp. 10.000,-(understandably rates the bule), how much it should pay in the U.S. If the vehicle
should the tanks & parking for a month.

All the way to the base camp of u.s. forces must face the
Mr. Hat posing correct way while charging to the vehicles that pass through the streets. And if the vehicle combat and tanks should be banked or past the t-junction they should prepare for the hat-Pack of coins.
A huge hassle for groups of troops if should be berkonvoi, because of a slow convoy will definitely be in the troubadours, hampiri
beggars and street children, this means having to issue coins again. Not to mention if in the met police are sure kena, udah bokek semprit for convoys without permission. Imagine how much money a peace that must be issued.

At the military base camp, u.s. troops have certainly can not sleep, because lice busettt, gede-gede kayaking vampire. Night in the forest that deserted them on the visit will be the ladies who laugh and cry. They should be happy as it can be on a date with this woman but the pleasure will be annihilated so see these women got big Holey on his back.

The next morning they cannot bathe in rivers because many are going through "a yellow" Missile fire at locals from "Flying helicopter" a.k.a. toilet floats on the river.

Nor can u.s. troops away from the war, because the pelaratan around the base camp is already staking iron merchant loakan ready mempereteli sophisticated war equipment they carry. Meleng little sophisticated tanks they would ready dikiloin. Not to mention the wrestling that is ready for action with the key T his is ready to seize the Jeep-Jeep to their war if the.

PuTTY and paint can sell expensive rework to the children of rich people who want style-gayaan.
And the more pathetic again the u.s. forces will jamuran because
can't change clothes. If drying her clothes and reckless daring meleng little, tomorrow their clothes had been standing in the market stall-stall at Jatinegara used clothing.

Telecommunications equipment, they must also keep an eye on tight, because the Red axe bandits already attacking the advanced equipment. And they also have to pay the rent on the land use for the base camp to the landowners. In addition they should also ask for permission to RT/RW and local political districts, how the table should be going through and how much funding should be prepare to Amplopi these officials.

The Commander of the u.s. forces will also be subject to additional duties overseeing the soldiers that many slipped out base camp created dangdut watch in RW 06, Inul said there there.
If the United States started the parade of tanks, must designate the didatengin bencong2 the same bule2 amrik salivating.
Imagine this all akhinya Bush and Rumsfield (American Presidents still he) decided to withdraw.

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