3 Ways to Make Your Own WordPress Themes
1. Creating Child Themes WordPress themes
This is how to create your own WordPress themes fastest, because you need to learn a programming language only CSS. Very effective if you want to make changes to the design themes such as colors, letters models, and layouts for example. Although it is possible you can also hide some elements were deemed not want to appear. Advantages of child themes is that if the parent is updated the WordPress themes design changes we would not be affected.
2. Creating WordPress Themes with starter themes / blank themes
Once you try to use child themes, your turn to update the knowledge of using starter themes. WordPress themes are usually themes starter who can work well, it's just very little contact html and CSS, so these themes only produce 'content' alone. Our job as developers is to wrap later this content with such wrapper div and so on plus add a design with CSS. Starkers and underscores are my favorite themes for this category.
3. Creating WordPress Themes with Themes Framework
If you are already familiar with the custom WordPress themes and work together to show the blog / website, have heard and seen code on filters and hooks, it's time we go up the class by using the WordPress Themes Framework. Themes such as the Thematic framework and Hybrid Framework is a free WordPress themes that I often use.
How to Make Your Own WordPress Themes with Thematic Child Theme
How to create your own WordPress themes with child themes this time only about how your started. Includes data update themes, customize the layout and styling in default.css way.
A child themes folder is a folder where the parent themes, as seen in the following thematic child theme;
1. Edit Informsai theme from style.css
The first thing you need to (but not required) to do is to change the data of your premises open the child themes style.css in the child themes folder;
/* Theme Name: A Thematic Child Theme Theme URI: http://thematictheme.com/ Description: Use this theme to start your Thematic Child Theme development. Author: Ian Stewart Author URI: http://themeshaper.com/ Template: thematic Version: 1.0 Tags: white, three-columns, two-columns, fixed-width, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, threaded-comments, sticky-post, microformats License: GNU General Public License v2.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Thematic Theme is copyright Ian Stewart http://themeshaper.com/ This work, like WordPress, is released under GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL). */
What distinguishes the parent themes and child themes is the field Template: thematic themes that states the parent is located in thematic folders.
2. Import the parent themes style
Next we will determine the style of themes which parent will be imported. By default there will be some stylesheet to be imported as a reset, typography, images, layouts and plugins. The most influential of our customization is layout and design elements. List of layouts available in the folder / library / layouts / belonging thematic theme.
/* Apply a basic layout */ @import url('../thematic/library/layouts/2c-r-fixed.css');
3. Customization styling in default.css
As for the elements imported from default.css as follows;
/* Apply default theme styles and colors */ /* It's better to actually copy over default.css into this file (or link to a copy in your child theme) if you're going to do anything outrageous */ @import url('../thematic/library/styles/default.css');
Customization can be done by removing the import line and copy the contents of the original file here or write our own design under this import. Yesterday I copy the contents of default.css file, but now even a bit lazy to change because they have to back - back up and down the file.
4. Customization add HTML elements
If you want to customize which generates HTML output as the existing breadcrumb above the title of this post can provide filters, hooks (more advanced). The second way is to copy single.php file and add the breadcrumb after the above thematic content as follows;
<?php // action hook for placing content above #content thematic_abovecontent(); if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) { yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>'); }
I know how to create your own WordPress themes by using the themes child is still very basic, but I hope this article can be guidance on how to get started.
In accordance with the opening of the article, I will write an article about making your own with a starter wordpress themes themes and theme framework in more detail.
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